Archivio News

A rare opportunity

The line didn’t end at St Anthony’s Shrine in Boston as people from all walks of life spent a quiet, respectful moment before the relics of St. Anthony…

Thus begins WBZ-TV’s news coverage (CBS Boston) of our editor’s relic visit to the Massachusetts state capital and some surrounding districts.

The friars do their best to bring our Saint closer to those who cannot afford to come to Padua, and the people of Boston have responded.

Enjoy the video:

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October 4, 2017 – St. Francis Feast Day

Francis of Bernardone in 1202 joined the military expedition of Assisi against Perugia to defend his hometown and its people. His army was defeated, and he was thrown in a dungeon for 1 year. He eventually recovered from this experience both physically and psychologically, but he was a changed man.

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Updates on guided tours of the basilica

From 1 October 2017 there are changes in bookings procedure and in access to guided tours for groups in the Basilica of Saint Anthony.

There are two main changes: groups of over 10 people will be obliged to book their guided tours of the Basilica through an online form; moreover, during the visit, they will have to use audio guides with earphones; these may be booked at the Information Office should the group be without them.

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Saint Anthony’s October visit to Boston

Two relics of Saint Anthony from the Basilica in Padua will be brought to the Boston area in Massachusetts by Fr. Mario Conte from Friday 6 to Sunday 15 October.

One of the reliquaries contains the Saint’s ‘floating rib’, and was venerated by both Pope Francis, when he was Archbishop Jorge Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, and by Sister Lucy, one of the three seers of Fatima, when it was taken to her convent, the Monastery of Carmelite nuns at Coimbra, in January 1995. The reliquary, therefore, has special meaning this year as we celebrate the centenary of the Fatima apparitions.

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Happy Feast of Saint Anthony!

The Feast of Saint Anthony, the Saint the world loves, has finally arrived!

On Tuesday 13th June the Basilica will be open from 5.30 am to 10.30 pm. The Holy Masses will be celebrated at: 6.00 am – 7.00 am – 8.00 am – 9.00 am – 10.00 am – 11.00 am – 12.15 am – 3.30 pm– 5.00 pm – 7.00 pm – 9 pm.00

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June 2017: Saint Anthony's Relics visit the USA, Canada and Australia

As usual, friars from the Basilica of Saint Anthony will leave Padua this June to take relics of our Saint to his devotees around the world: three of them will take some of St. Anthony’s relics to the United States (June, 9 to 18), Canada (June, 9 to 18) and Australia (June, 6 to 21).

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