Archivio News

November 4-11, 2018 Saint Anthony's Relics visit Nova Scotia (Canada)

This coming November from 4 to 11 two holy relics of Saint Anthony of Padua will visit the diocese of Halifax-Yarmouth. Father Alessandro Ratti, a friar from the Basilica in Padua, will bring two firstclass relics of the beloved Saint to Nova Scotia.
The relics will visit churches in Amherst, Antigonish, Berwick, Bridgewater, Dartmouth, Enfield, Halifax and Truro

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October 4-14, 2018 Saint Anthony's Relics visit USA

This coming October from 4 to 14 Fr. Mario Conte, executive editor of the «Messenger of Saint Anthony» magazine, will bring to the United States of America two precious relics of our Saint from the Basilica in Padua. One of these reliquaries contains the Saint’s floating rib.

This is the very same reliquary that was used by then-Archbishop Bergoglio to bless the faithful after the Solemn Mass at the Catedral Metropolitana in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on 30 April 2000. 

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June 2018: Saint Anthony's Relics visit the USA, Canada and Australia

As usual, friars from the Basilica of Saint Anthony will leave Padua this June to take relics of our Saint to his devotees around the world: three of them will take some of St. Anthony’s relics to the United States (June, 9 to 17), Canada (June, 9 to 17) and Australia (June, 11 to 22).

As far as the English-speaking world is concerned, Fr. Alessandro Ratti will be in Toronto (Canada), Fr. Paolo Floretta in Adelaide, Melbourne and Sidney (Australia), and Fr. Mario Conte will be in Ohio (USA).

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Celebrate Easter with the friars of the Basilica of Saint Anthony!

Holy Easter 2018

The Resurrection did not close the holes made by the nails, nor heal Jesus’ wounds. This is because death and suffering are not accidents to be overcome: those wounds are the glory of God, the pinnacle of love, and will always remain open in the life of the world: in order to give meaning and value to every pain and suffering we have to deal with in our lives; to prevent us from feeling alone and forsaken; to find the strength, against all odds, to continue to love.


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Fr. Mario Conte, executive editor of the Messenger of Saint Anthony, wish a blessed Easter to all Saint Anthony’s devotees around the world and invite them to rediscover together with him the real meaning of this Feast.

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April 6-15, 2018 St. Anthony’s relics visit South Carolina (USA)

Two holy relics of Saint Anthony of Padua will visit the Diocese of Charleston, South Carolina, from Friday, April 6 to Sunday, April 15. Bishop Robert E. Guglielmone has invited Father Bortolino Maistrello, a friar of the Basilica, to bring two holy and precious relics of Saint Anthony of Padua to his Charleston Diocese in South Carolina.

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