Sixth video- meditation: “The violent husband. Women and men united in the same plan of love.”

13 - Tuesdays Novena, April 19 2022 by fr. Andrea Massarin.

Let us listen

“One day, the wife of a wealthy and noble knight gave her husband a rash response, and he was overcome with rage . As he often did, he beat her, raining punches and kicks upon her . He then repented his actions, fervently begging St. Anthony to come and help the unfortunate 

woman. The Saint reproached him and then knelt down, asking God to give the dying woman her life and health back . When the Saint prayed over her, she rose up completely healed again .”

(From The book on St . Anthony’s Miracles)


Let us meditate

God created man in his image, male and female he created them”. In the original project, man and woman have equal dignity before God. Over time, different cultures have distorted this balance with the tragic consequences we now know, including “femicide”. In his miraculous intervention, Anthony “reproached” her husband, dismantling his presumption of superiority and then saved the woman. In this way he offers them the opportunity to live an authentic relationship of love.

Let us pray

Good Father, you have given us many models of holy families throughout history, but to become a good family one must learn every day: learn by listening and understanding each other; learn to cope with conflicts and difficulties; learn to forgive yourself seventy times seven. Give us the grace to grow in mutual acceptance and love .

(Fr Andrea M .)

Let us reflect

  • Have you ever calmly reflected on the great dignity that men and women have in the eyes of God and on the vocation that God has entrusted to them?
  • What are, in your opinion, the main reasons for conflict within the couple today and how can they be overcome?
  • I, you ... each of us, what can we do concretely to ensure that acceptance and mutual forgiveness grow in our families?

Prayer to St. Anthony

O Saint Anthony, you who are a man who practiced listening to God and his Word, please give us the ability to listen to one another, to understand more and more the joys and hardships that inhabit our hearts, and to have words of consolation and mutual forgiveness.