Eleventh video- meditation:“The Heart of the Usurer. Selfishness impoverishes man, reducing him the mere dimension of having. Generosity makes him free and rich in spirit.”

13 Tuesdays Novena, May 24 2022 by fr. Massimiliano Patassini.

Let us listen

“At a funeral of a very rich man St . Anthony cried out that the deceased should not be buried in consecrated ground because his body had no heart.

Finally a surgeon opened the chest of the man’s body, but he could not find a heart.

Rather, just as the Saint had foretold, the man’s heart was found in the strong box where he had stored his money .”

(From The Book on St . Anthony’s Miracles)


Let us meditate

Strange to say, I truly own something to the extent that I am willing to donate it. When I try in every way to keep an asset for myself I deceive myself that it is my possession, but in reality I depend on it because I have to continually invest energy to preserve and defend it. 

Whoever wants to keep his life for himself loses it; on the other hand, whoever gives it out of love finds it, like a seed that dies to bear fruit. It is the generosity of the gift that makes me truly free, that makes me look like the Father, the source and giver of all goodness. 

Let us pray

Lord, by giving your life out of love you have shown us the way to give meaning to our existence: you have given yourself totally to the Father and to us . Let us learn from you, make us passionate with your example and fill us with the grace of your Holy Spirit .


Let us reflect

  • How do I live my relationship with material goods, especially with money? Are they means or ends?
  • In my life, what am I not willing to lose? What obstacles does this place on my spiritual growth?
  • When did I experience the liberating experience expressed by the adage “There is more joy in giving than in receiving”?

Prayer to St. Anthony

Dear Dear Saint Anthony, you have received from the Lord the gift of scrutinizing hearts: let us not close ourselves in our selfishness, but open ourselves to generosity and love in order to be true children of the Father.